This is not written by me. But by Rya. After i read it i decided to put it into the book. After ashima's boy friend leaves her and goes away.
Wish, someday you could see
The silent tear in the corner of my eyes
Wish someday you would notice
The pain in my eyes, sparkling with joy
The pain thats inside of me
Wish someday you could see.
Wish someday you could hear
The way i cry out at nights
When people think i am fast asleep

I am so wide awake
Wish someday you could see
What meant nothing to you
Meant a hell lot to me.
Wish someday you would come
And see what i dream when i am asleep
You would be surprised to see
I am still there where you left me.
Wish someday you would know
I still think of your voice
And smile to myself and cry
No, i don't have the strength
To think of those days, over again.
What you said you forgot
What i said i kept it sacred
Of all the lies that you said
"i love you", was my favourite.
I know what were the best times of my life,
Where just another three months to you.
I know the words, you didn't mean them
But yet i thought them to be true.
I knew for sure, that we were not for ever
We had talked it through
But i wish someday you would look back
And see what i felt for you.
No, its not love, for sure
Give it some other name
Call it anything you want
But it will still hurt the same
But whatever it is, it hurts
maybe it will not in a few months' time
But i just want a few questions answered
I seek no love in return, no sympathy
Just answer me what i was for you?
I wish someday you could feel how
I had learnt to accept your departure as fate
But you came back, yet again for a few days
What did that mean to you?
Look at me, see what i've become...
Undo my pain... Can you? No, you can't.
So answer me face to face.
I wish some day you do.
All said and done, i remind myself too.
A wish is a wish & doesn't come true.